St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Council #14224 and Green Team Recycling will hold a huge Recycling Event from 9 AM to 12 noon in St. Mary’s parking lot. This event will accept a greatly expanded list of items that can be recycled, in addition to electronics. Watch for a flyer in your mail. It lists the additional items that will be accepted. The list includes push lawn mowers, snow blowers, mattresses, box springs, tires, washers, water heaters, and more. You’ll find the recycling prices very reasonable. Start cleaning out your house of these old items you really want to disappear.
St. Mary's is listed as 7008 Washington Street and it's across the street from the Town Hall. We've teamed with Green Team Junk Removal and Girl Scout Troop #64082 to sponsor this event, and the proceeds will go to our Council and to the Girl Scout Troop. We'll accept payments in cash, VENMO, checks, and credit cards.